Take the schedule of the crop you cultivate and use Barban Israel Soil Carbon from the representative company. And use it according to the method and procedure shown...
While giving Barban Israel, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 40%. By doing this, the yield will not decrease.
By using Barban Israel Soil Carbon in this way, the need to use chemical fertilizers will be reduced for five to seven years, and the yield will be doubled.
After doubling your production, you will not need to use Barn Israel for farming. Since your farming is organic, the way trees in the forest get food naturally, your farming will get food in the same way and produce.
Due to the use of Barn Israel Soil Carbon, the natural system will be activated. Therefore, in the same way as nature has created it, 1 earthworm in one square, about 40,000 earthworms will work in 1 acre. One earthworm makes 10 grams of manure per day. 400 kg of manure will be produced per day in one acre.
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