Opening Hours : Sunday- Friday, 08:00 am - 05:00pm
Balwan NPK
Balwan NPK
- It helps in the growth of the plant and in getting the required energy from the sunlight.
- It improves the physical binding of the soil and increases the yield.
- Being a soil improver, Balwan keeps the soil loose.
- Balwan increases the pores.
- Maintains the balance of the soil. (6) Maintains the balance of the bacterial requirements of all crops in the soil.
- As there are no chemicals, there are less diseases in the plant.
- Balwan not only increases the crop yield but also improves the quality.
- Balwan increases the number of fruits and flowers. Due to which the production is more.
- Main elements: N.P.K. Secondary elements Calcium, Menthium, Sulphur Micronutrients Shrimp, Boron, Manganese, Copper Diwali husk, Neem seed husk, Ozotobacter and Trichoderma bacteria
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